Thursday 31 March 2011

Cupcake Wars

Anyone who knows me will know that I LOVE to bake cupcakes. Although I have been known to invent a small amount of my own recipes, I tend to mostly bake from 'The Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook' and 'Cupcakes From The Primrose Bakery'. Both of these are really great resources if you want to make a flavored cupcake with a matching icing. My favorite from the Hummingbird is defiantly the pumpkin with  cream cheese icing (although I make my own pumpkin puree instead of using tinned) and the raspberry swirl with white chocolate butter cream icing from the Primrose. 
One of the best things about these books is that if you're a massive fan like me, you can visit the actual bakeries to compare their cupcakes to your own. And today, I did exactly that. 
Firstly, I visited the Primrose Bakery just off Covent Garden. The yellow outside of the shop with it's large windows and stripy shader was so cute and inviting. Inside, the smell was amazing, with the chef having just bought a new batch of chocolate cupcakes up from the basement kitchen. There was so much choice with most of the cakes featured in the book plus a few guest cakes, such as cookies and cream, which I was tempted to also try. I went for a lemon cupcake which was £1.85, and sat in on the leather 50s chairs and round diner tables to eat it. The cafe was so light and airy and the place had such a friendly feel about it, especially after the staff had made me feel so welcome. The cupcake itself was absolutely delicious: not too sweet and not to lemony, the sponge was divine and had just the right amount of zest for me. The icing was really light and fluffy and stayed stiff even though it was a relatively warm day outside. For me, the perfect cupcake. I'd give The Primrose Bakery a 9/10 overall, especially for the homely atmosphere and welcoming feel.

Next, I went off to find the Hummingbird bakery. I had not visited this branch before as it is the newest one to open, and was really surprised to see the spot which they had chosen. Although a little further down the street is busy Leicester Square, the street was quite quiet and the shop was extremely dark. I also spotted around four larger and busier bakeries down the street, which had huge window displays of gorgeous breads and cakes and looked much more enticing than the Hummingbird.
The layout of the shop was not very well thought out in my opinion. As you walk in, there is a long bench on the right filled with cakes which the staff stand behind. There is a small table at the back, and then the left hand side of the shop is a bench facing the wall with single seats. It was pretty impersonal to eat a cake staring at a wall, and I left the shop after eating my cupcake pretty quickly, which annoyed me, considering it was so expensive (£2.75!!!!) and really didn't taste that great. I chose a red velvet cupcake, which is supposed to be quite chocolaty, which unfortunately it wasn't. The cream cheese icing also seemed quite thin and not very creamy, which was disappointing. The best thing about the whole experience was the look of the cupcake, which was basically identical to the book. However there was not a large selection of cupcake available to choose from, mainly chocolate and vanilla, and the only differences where the icing colours. I really expected more from the Hummingbird, especially as I paid 90p less in the Primrose and got much better service and seating. A poor 3/10, with me wishing I'd spent my money in one of the other cafes on Wardour street as I walked back to the station.

Enjoy! Coco xxxx

I'm Dreaming Of...

Hair done by BLEACH London

Dying my hair grey/blue/white

Thin black dresses

A cute romper for the summer nights

New ink

Looking hot in a bikini for Italy

Sandals in the sun

Now off to grab coffee and attempt to revise.

Boo xx

P.S Coco come home!!

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Summer Fun

So today I had a really nice afternoon with my old friend Holly in the beer garden of our old local. I had a while to get ready so I blow dried my hair and decided to wear my favorite leopard print maxi from Urban outfitters, which I got on sale a while ago (£40, reduced from £80!). I styled it up with my I <3 NY tee and studded over-sized blazer, also from Urban Outfitters. I love this outfit as it's so comfy and easy to wear, and also because maxi's are so in this season. the blazer is also the perfect lightweight summer cover up. I also cheekily borrowed my mumma's Chanel padded handbag which helped to add a bit of glam! This dress is defiantly going to be worn over and over this summer and especially for the couple of city breaks I have planned!

Coco xxx

Monday 28 March 2011


I so should be starting my revision today for my exams in two months, but somehow I keep finidng other things to do with my time. I'm currently addicted to, after following the advice of Coco who's away in Budapest at the mo with her Mum and sis, The Model Agency on 4od. I literally love the whole career world of fashion, they're so bitchy and fun and fabulous but there's this bond that always seems to shine through.

At uni I study History of Art and English Literature, with an outside course (bleurgh!) in European History. So what I thought I'd do, to try and mix procrastination with revision - sort of - is compose a list of some of my favorite and most stylish people in history, art and the world of literature.

Salvador Dali is probably my favorite artist. If you haven't been to his absolutely incredible gallery in Figueres in Spain and you're a fan then I would implore you to go. Its simply amazing. In terms of style Dali certainly held his own. Here he is with his wife Gala in 1964, a beautiful image of a crazily beautiful, and madly in love, couple. I'm thinking of getting a Dali inspired tattoo some day.

Any of J.W Waterhouse's ladies for bringing romance and boho chic to the art world. The first image is quite possibly one of my favorite paintings ever. Its magic.

Another favorite, Oscar Wilde, who was just so dapper and sophisticated. I love the guy.

Whenever I see portraits of Anne Boleyn I cant help but feel like they can't be doing her justice. I always imagine her to be darkly beautiful and so goddamn sexy!! She had to have been to seduce the King right? But anyways, she's on my list for her dignified femme fatal style...and Coco will agree; she loves anything to do with the Tudors.

Joan of Arc for pioneering feminism, and, more importantly, androgynous chic. 

Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote is probably my favorite novel EVER! I want to put the film (don't get me wrong, it's fabulous darling!) aside when I talk about this book, and the character of Holly Golightly in particular, because in the words of Capote Holly is a much darker, more troubled girl than Audrey Hepburn plays in the film. This is primarily because of censorship Hepburn wasn't aloud to play Golightly as promiscuous  as Capote wrote her, and while I adore Audrey, I find the character in the novel much more compelling and enchanting. Her style is unquestionable.

Boo x

Sunday 27 March 2011

What I wish I was wearing today #1

What I wish I was wearing today #1
What I wish I was wearing today #1 by cocoandboo featuring long dresses

Today is one of those Sundays, not much going on but I'm quite content. I slept in till midday then got up, did some cleaning and went for a walk and got some food for the week. I played some guitar and now I'm just hanging out in my living room listening to music (Eeels at the mo), drinking coffee and writing/drawing. I'm actually just dressed in an old vintage Led Zep tee, a huuuuge denim shirt I got free at Urban Outiftters, leather look leggings and my Docs, but I wiiiiish I had this Alexander Wang dress and all the jewelry!! I am about of a jewelry whore. In fact, both Coco and I like to pile on the accessories. She goes for cute quirky pieces and I like big chunky metal things! Hope everyone's having lovely Sundays!! Boo x

Saturday 26 March 2011

Girl of the Moment - Katie Gallagher

I am currently so in love with Katie Gallagher and her designs. The RISD graduate is not only the very talented designer of critically acclaimed collections that encapsulate the grungy, dark style that I so love (a girl who primarily works with black, grey and white is a girl after my own heart) but she also has amazing personal style. Her ethereal, porcelain skin almost blends into her grey/blue/white hair with the exception of those smoky eyes staring out at you. And her illustrations have such style I could look at them all day! I love it when you can totally connect a designer to their collection, and see how they uncompromisingly put so much of themselves into their work. Designers like Erin Fetherston, Alexander Wang and Riccardo Tisci also possess this trait and I'm expecting great things from this young lady. Can't wait to see what Katie does next...

Boo x

Steal Her Style: Night

Steal Her Style: Night
Steal Her Style: Night by cocoandboo featuring platform shoes

For night time Carey likes to champion new young designers and add a bit of eclectic edginess to her look. Try going for colours you might otherwise be scared of, like thismustard tone. Break it up with this leather belt from All Saints and skyscraper platforms. Or go for a modern take on vintage with this Coast skirt in the length of the season, the midi with this embellished Topshop top, classic earrings and a slick of black eyeliner and lots of mascara. Bring it up to date with a pop of colour. The cobalt blue of these Brian Atwood peep toes is the perfect choice.

Monday 21 March 2011

Must Watch TV This Month

As a self confessed TV addict, I literally can't tear myself away from terrible TV. But then again, I think we're pretty lucky to live in an age where directors and writers are able to express themselves so visually to create progmames which can inform us on previously unknown processes and situations. Although not everything I watch is so artistically viable (i.e. Jersey Shore/The Only Way Is Essex/Secret Diary of a Call Girl), I do love a good reality programme which gives a genuine insight into others lives which I would never usually get to experience. Which is why at the top of my list this month is:

1. The Model Agency 
Wednesday, 10pm, Channel 4
This series follows Premier Model Management as they start to book shows for their clients and models at the beginning of London fashion week. Carole, the manager, is the epitome of a stressy manager and would be my absolute nightmare, which is why it makes for such great TV viewing. I love the idea of thinking nothing of flying over to NYC to do some casual model scouting, picking up a cheeky Chanel and having a beauts over sized Mulberry to take on the plane with me but somehow I just don't think thats feasible as a student...
Seriously though, these people's busy lifestyles at this time of year put mine to absolute shame, and I thought I was busy at the moment. If you want a perfect example of chic multitasking then this is a must watch!

2. The Agony and Ecstasy: A Year With The English National Ballet 
Tuesday, 9pm, BBC4
Having always admired the beauty, stamina and flexibility of ballet dancers, for me it is a real treat to be able to watch how such a range of different shows are put together and trained for. So far, two episodes have been aired showing the rehearsals for Swan Lake and Romeo and Juliet. One particularly interesting part of episode two showed 21 year old Max training for five separate roles in R&J, which was the first ballet of its kind to be so male oriented, choreographed in the 70s by Rudolf Nureyev. Max does a magnificent job of keeping it together but others do not go with out problems, particularly through flags, sword and dagger fights throughout the heavily prop oriented show.
The show also shows how the company feel about the recent government cuts and gives hints as to the fate of the company and its dancers in the next few years. A great watch for anyone who has an interest in the arts.

3. Lily Allen: From Riches to Rags
Tuesday, 10pm, Channel 4
Although Lily Allen voiced her recent objections to this new series, which follows Lily and her sister Sarah as they try to launch their new vintage clothing shop (Lily's way out of the pop industry) I really rather enjoyed it. It's a perfect example of the trails and tribulations of setting up a new business and the personal resolutions which each different person brings to the table. Sarah is a particularly interesting character: always in her younger sisters shadow, she is obviously eager to prove herself within this venture, to both her family and clients.  A trip to LA however could prove disastrous when she is handed Lily's credit card to stock up on lower price range clothes. With a less than sparkling financial record, this proves a huge challenge for Sarah. Defiantly made me crave my own business with an office full of flowers and a large Mac desktop computer...well, a girl can dream eh!

4. Masterchef
Wednesday, 9pm BBC1
For me this is an obvious choice and totally unmissable. I love cooking an have always thought that if I hadn't have got into uni I would have become a chef, so it's fascinating to see people who have finished said degrees and got bored of their jobs only to follow their true passion in life: cooking. Masterchef has taken on a new format this series which I'm already familiar with, having fallen in love with Masterchef Australia two summers ago from which this is developed. This year's contestants are seriously being pushed to the limit, having already completed a vegetarian challenge, been asked to recreate a top chef's dish and base a dish around the single element of an egg. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the amateur chefs develop their own style and progress though the series, and each episode leaves me looking forward to the next.

Coco xxx

Thursday 10 March 2011

Look of the Day#2

Effortless chic from Freja as per.

Boo x

Sunday 6 March 2011

Dream Bedroom

So we’re completing on our new flat next week and we’re all really excited to move in. Its a much more girly flat (poor Ger!) and it’s so beautiful and light and airy, I’m already thinking about how to decorate my new room. I’m thinking I just want it to be ‘me’; a bit grungy, a bit bohemian, a bit eclectic. Over the summer I’m going to work on a big piece of art to go on one of my walls. In my current room my walls are slowly becoming covered by my sketches and watercolour paintings, but I want to do something special for my new place. I’ve been scouring online for new bits and pieces to decorate with, but I’m definitely going to hit up some vintage shops and markets too. I’m going to London at least twice this Summer so I’m counting on finding an array of treasures down there.

I love the romantic nature of this print. It makes me think of the lovely people in my life; my friends, my boyf and my family. People who, in very special and different ways, I always have adventures with. Coco especially; our last adventure ended with me crawling across a zebra crossing and Coco stealing a pie.

Alice in Wonderland was one of my favourite books as a child. I know it’s very fashionable to be into now, especially after the Tim Burton remake, but I loved it as a little girl and I have the most beautiful illustrated hardback copy that was a gift from my aunty, so this print caught my eye straight away and at only £16 it’s a steal!

I really want a hat stand! So quaint and old fashioned. So fabulous! Definitely want to try and find a second hand one somewhere.

Now at £95 this is my big splurge piece that I am definitely going to have to save up for and treat myself. Apart from the fact that I get sooooooo cold in the Edinburgh winter (I have shitty circulation) this quilt is simply beautiful. I love the colour and whimsical, boho pattern. I need this in my life.

Boo x

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Look of the Day

Irina Lazareanu looks amazing here. Very much a case of 'more is more' but its a look that I've always loved on her. Sometimes I feel best about myself when I'm wearing something really fucked up and crazy. Coco and I have been out for a boozy lunch and now I'm settling down with a coffee and the new i-D magazine thinking I need a bit of an image overhall...

P.S surprise surprise Pocahontas was totally my style icon as a child...

Boo x

Fashion Week Best Dressed

Paris Fashion Week starts today!! Gahhh what I would not give to be there. But no. I'm in a full day of hellish uni instead with three essays to complete this week (don't you just love it when you fins out an essay is due a week earlier than you first thought!?). Coco and I literally can't wait for summer. We're hopefully going to squeeze in a little bit of travelling as well as fun and hard work at the festival and moving into dream flat!!!!

But anyways. Back to fashion week. With  New York, London and Milan all over fashion's finest are now flocking to la France for the festivities, and how jealous are we all! And as much as I love looking at the new collections, I have to admit that I'm more of an admirer of how things look off the runway; how individuals style up the new pieces and make them their own. So with that in mind I'm always focusing more on the front row than the actual catwalk, and thought I'd do a little round up of my fave fashion week front row looks so far.

love Alexa here....probably because this is my typical everyday outfit, but she still looks chic...whereas I look scruffy. So not fair.

Cara Delevigne is just so cute!! I also have serious hair/trouser envy here. Hell. If I'm being jealous can I have her long long legs too please?

Another one of my faves, I adore this Burberry outfit on Kate Bosworth. This studded skirt is divine and she wears it, as usual, with pure elegance and laid back cool.

Kate again. Now. This is probably my favourite looks of all the fashion weeks. Everything about it is just perfect. So simple but the girl looks stunning!

What have been your faves this season?

Boo x