Monday 28 February 2011


So Boo and I did something very exciting today: we signed for our dream flat next year!! Both us and our other flatmate's couldn't have been more excited, so after a celebratory drink (a little bit earlier than is usually allowed) I decided to take myself off to the MAC counter at Harvey Nics for a victory shop. 
I don't know what, but, for me, there is something about MAC. Whenever I crack open a new FluidLine Eyeliner or a brand new lipstick, I'm always able to justify it as money well spent as soon as I apply said item. The products all seem to last forever - I only usually buy a new foundation from MAC around every three months, and considering I've been known to reapply up to three times a day, that's quite an achievement. 
Today's visit was simply a trip to do just this - although I couldn't help but stop my the eye shadow section for a sneeky peek. I recently bought 'Atlantic Blue' which looks fab against my red hair, and I'm also tempted by 'Humid', a beautiful deep green shimmer which would look great with my Urban Outfitters leopard print maxi. But alas, having just paid the deposit for the new flat, my bank account wouldn't agree, so I skulked off over to the counter with my bottle of StudioFix. 
I am a very, very loyal customer to MAC. I don't know why and how it started, but when I was about fifteen, one of my favorite Saturday morning trips would be to get the train into London and go to the MAC store just off Carnaby Street. I loved trying out new colours and styles and have worked myself up quite a collection over the years. But having recently dyed my hair from blonde to red, I'm having to re-think a lot of my make up styles. I've even had to change the colour of red lipstick I use, going from my old favorite Lady Danger to the more recently introduced Ruby Woo. 
Another thing I love about MAC is it's constant introducing of new collections. Last year we had Viva Glam, fronted by Lady GaGa and Cindy Lauper, and this year we have the Wonder Woman collection with its quirky, noticeable packaging, and Peacocky, a collection of gorgeous blues, purples and greens. 
If you, like me, are addicted to expensive make up but can't get over the guilt, I propose this: make-up is something which you wear everyday. It is applied to the place where you are most critically studied. It should be of the best quality, because your skin is your most vital organ and it's protection is of the up most importance. 
Also, it's really, really pretty. 

Take a look for yourself:
 The Peacocky Collection and the magical colours of the Eye Shadow stand
 The Wonder Woman Collection flyer: could be my favorite ad campaign ever! 

Love Coco xxx

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the flat! I know so this feeling so well :) We live in our dream flat for almost a year now and I'm so happy.
    About MAC: we finally have stores in Romania, starting this year.
    ♡ TEEZY ♡
