Thursday 17 February 2011

Proust Questionnaire

Evening friends!
To introduce ourselves a little further, Boo and I have decided to each complete the famous Proust Questionnaire. Enjoy! Coco x


Your favorite virtues:
Reason and humor.

Your favorite qualities in a man:
Sense of humor, wit, wisdom and kindness.

Your favorite qualities in a woman:
Fairness, friendliness, wisdom and courage.

Your chief characteristic:

What you appreciate the most in your friends:
Their solid advice and loyalty.

Your main fault:
Making hasty decisions and getting easily distracted.

Your favourite occupation:
Student (obvs).

Your idea of happiness
 Sunday mornings with my friends and family, drinking coffee and reading the papers.

Your idea of misery:
Feeling totally alone with no responsibility.

If not yourself, who would you be:
Ben Fogle.

Where would you like to live:
Right in the centre of any city: namely London, Berlin or New York.

Your favourite colour and flower.
Favorite colour is yellow and flower is white roses.

Your favorite prose authors:

Your favorite poets:
Rabbie Burns, Lewis Carroll

Your favorite heroes in fiction:
Mark Renton from Trainspotting/Porno by Irvine Welsh

Your favorite heroines in fiction:
Amber St Clare from Forever Amber, Scarlett O’Hara from Gone With the Wind, Lol from This Is England

Your favorite painters and composers:
Bethany Crowe, Frank Turner, Iggy Pop, Pete Doherty, Lady Gaga (what? She has a way with words).

Your heroes/heroines in real life: 
Mum, Dad, Sister and all of my grandparents. They’re all surprisingly different considering they’re mostly from the same stock

What characters in history do you most dislike:
Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk, all of the standard rapers/pillagers/racists

Your favorite food and drink:
Dark rum and diet coke, my mumma’s roast dinners

Your favorite names:
Eva/Ava/Ida, Alex/George/William

What I hate the most:
How quickly time goes, pessimism, people trying to push their beliefs upon you and those with no sense of humor or morality.

World history characters I hate the most:
errrrrrrrrm…Hitler etc

The natural talent I’d like to be gifted with:
Drawing or dancing.

How I wish to die:
Surrounded by those I love.

What is your present state of mind:

For what fault have you most toleration:

Your favorite motto:
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. 

Your favorite virtue:
Your favorite qualities in a man:
Creativity and a sense of humour.
Your favorite qualities in a woman:
Self respect.
Your chief characteristic:
Geekiness and creativeness.
What you appreciate the most in your friends:
To be able to put themselves in other people's shoes.
Your main fault:
Worrying. The need to be liked.
Your favourite occupation:
Writing, reading and drawing.
Your idea of happiness
Feeling content and being in love/loved. 
Your idea of misery:
Loss, loneliness.
If not yourself, who would you be:
I wouldn't care to know.
Where would you like to live:
Your favourite colour and flower.
Favourite colour is green, favourite flower are lilies. 
Your favorite prose authors:
Oscar Wilde, Truman Capote, D.H Lawrence
Your favorite poets:
Emily Dickinson, William Blake.
Your favorite heroes in fiction:
Your favorite heroines in fiction:
Holly Golightly, .
Your favorite painters and composers:
Painters would be Dali, Basquiat, Hockney. Composers would be Ryuchi Sakamoto, Ennio Morricone and Bob Dylan.
Your heroes/heroines in real life: My parents.
What characters in history do you most dislike:
Anyone who made it their business to punish others for living the way they did.
Your favorite food and drink:
Sushi and wine.
Your favorite names:
It always changes.
What I hate the most:
Prejudice. Racism. Liars. Bullshitters.
World history characters I hate the most:
See above.
The natural talent I’d like to be gifted with:
Natural ability to play a musical instrument well.
How I wish to die:
What is your present state of mind:
For what fault have you most toleration:
Feeling shit.
Your favorite motto:
'Everything happens for a reason'.

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