Friday 8 July 2011

Psycho Weather

I had a terrible nights sleep I didn't find it too hard to get up and go running early this morning. I'm really trying to step up my training for the half marathon in September and that means running a lot more outside as well as going to the gym. I used to run outside every day but after a brief stint in hospital last year it took me a while to get back into it an I've many stuck to the treadmill, but I'm really starting to enjoy it again. I ran five miles before work today and there's something just so relaxing about running through the Meadows (our huuuge park up here in Edinburgh) in the morning sunshine....was gagging for a coffee when I was done though!!  

It put me in a good mood for the rest of the day and I really enjoyed sitting at work with my coffee reading the new Vogue (Coco let me read her subscriber's copy before her - that's a real friends for you!). I love the editorial featuring Britain's bright young things; I'm not a massive fan of Pixie Geldof usually but I actually quite like her in this shoot. And it's so nice to be seeing more of Aggy again!! She is and always will be one of my faves and I was so happy p read on earlier this month that she's returning to the world of fashion. The shoot with Arizona Muse is divine too; gotta love a fellow big eyebrowed girl!!

Even though it was lovely this morning for my run (thank jeebus) the weather suddenly went crazy up here today. I'm talking thunder, lightening, torrential rain, yuck. Thankfully my boss sent me a lovely text telling me to shut up the shop and head home. So tonight the boys been through to Glasgow and I've taken a long hot bath and watched 'Last Night' starring Kiera Knightley, Guillaume Canet (dreamy!), Sam Worthington and Eva Mendes. I actually really liked, I thought it was a really honest and 'real' film, even if it did try a little bit too hard to be arty at times. It made me think a lot though, which I think is a sign of some quality.
boo x

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of that one, will have to see if I can find it ;)
