Friday 8 July 2011

Psycho Weather

I had a terrible nights sleep I didn't find it too hard to get up and go running early this morning. I'm really trying to step up my training for the half marathon in September and that means running a lot more outside as well as going to the gym. I used to run outside every day but after a brief stint in hospital last year it took me a while to get back into it an I've many stuck to the treadmill, but I'm really starting to enjoy it again. I ran five miles before work today and there's something just so relaxing about running through the Meadows (our huuuge park up here in Edinburgh) in the morning sunshine....was gagging for a coffee when I was done though!!  

It put me in a good mood for the rest of the day and I really enjoyed sitting at work with my coffee reading the new Vogue (Coco let me read her subscriber's copy before her - that's a real friends for you!). I love the editorial featuring Britain's bright young things; I'm not a massive fan of Pixie Geldof usually but I actually quite like her in this shoot. And it's so nice to be seeing more of Aggy again!! She is and always will be one of my faves and I was so happy p read on earlier this month that she's returning to the world of fashion. The shoot with Arizona Muse is divine too; gotta love a fellow big eyebrowed girl!!

Even though it was lovely this morning for my run (thank jeebus) the weather suddenly went crazy up here today. I'm talking thunder, lightening, torrential rain, yuck. Thankfully my boss sent me a lovely text telling me to shut up the shop and head home. So tonight the boys been through to Glasgow and I've taken a long hot bath and watched 'Last Night' starring Kiera Knightley, Guillaume Canet (dreamy!), Sam Worthington and Eva Mendes. I actually really liked, I thought it was a really honest and 'real' film, even if it did try a little bit too hard to be arty at times. It made me think a lot though, which I think is a sign of some quality.
boo x

Thursday 7 July 2011

Today was a slow one

I pretty much need these Alexander Wang boots in my life right now...anyone got a spare £400?

Got pretty bored at work today.

boo x

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Historical fiction and comic book violence

Had a manic panic moment this morning when I woke up at five to ten despite my alarm going off at half eight! Literally rolled out of bed, threw on a baggy v neck jumper I nabbed from my dad and my leather look leggings, brushed my teeth and ran out of the flat. Fortunately my hair is being rather well behaved at the moment thanks to this awesome serum by Aussie hair care (smells delish too!) so I didn't have to bother with it too much, and I don't wear much make up at all when it's this hot cause let's be honest, it just ends up sliding down your face. 

As I was leaving I saw my cream leather ankle boots I got from Urban Outfitters last summer and slipped them on, I haven't worn them for ages but whenever I do, I'm not gonna lie, I feel pretty bad ass; there's just something about cream studded leather! 

After a pretty hectic start though my day has been pretty chilled. Just been hanging out at the shop with lots of coffee, the radio and reading Forever Amber (thanks Coco!) and Kick-Ass (I'm a bit of a comic book geek).

boo x

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Tuesday Blues

Oh boy, today is just one of those days. I'm writing this at work with a hangover and the strange 'not right' feeling; you know, when you just wake up with that odd, unwelcome feeling in your belly? That's me today. And I have to go running after work, although after a lengthy conversation with Coco it's very doubtful that this will happen...

Went out to Lulu last night with friends and after discovering that whiskey was too pricey I was drinking vodka all night, and let me tell you friends, vodka and I do not get along. Hence my horrible hangover. 
It's absolutely sweltering in the city at the moment meaning that I'm basically living in my denim shorts, tees, and plain maxi dress. And to go out last night I really couldn't be bothered getting tarted up and opted for leather look leggings, a jersey mini dress with one of my men's v neck tees over the top and lots of my mismatched jewellery. To dress it up a little I wore my favourite, fail safe killer ankle boots and twisted my hair up and pinned it into a headband (that's right folks, my hair has finally grown enough that I can do 'up-dos', hurrah!!); all in all it was a kind of grungey-bohemian look, which is a look the I am loving for summer...

boo x

Sunday 3 July 2011

Lazy Sunday

Wow. It's been ages since either of us has blogged and we apologise; Coco and I had a chat this morning and we're both resolved to getting this blog back in action.
We have though, sadly, been separated for Summer. Coco jetted off to Italy and is soon on to Benicassim (more deets from her I'm sure) and I'm staying up in Edinburgh to work lots before my holiday in Italy at the end of July. So for the next month or so we'll both be blogging from out capital cities.
I'm working pretty much everyday at the moment, but I can't complain cause I need the money and when the sun's shining like it is nothing can put me in a bad mood! I've been spending my evenings either watching films (Transformers 3 YES), partying or hanging out and being lazy with the boy. It's so nice not to have exams or grown up stuff to worry about. 
Today, thank god, has been my only day off of the week and it couldn't have been more perfect. I woke up to sunshine and Lewis and I went for breakfast at a nearby cafe. Then he went off to work and I had a lazy walk around the city in the sweltering heat. I bought some cheeky bargains for my hols - a denim mini from Gap and two plain tees from Topman (I prefer the way men's tees fit) - and then went to the gym before walking home via the meadows which was FULL of people just hanging out, having bbqs, playing games and music, it's my favorite place when the sun's shining. 

So now I'm just hanging out at the flat drinking coffee and listening to music (loving the Black Keys at the mo). Ooh and I'm bidding on ebay on this dreamy leather jacket that I need in my 
life....I have a feeling I wont win ebay skills seem to be somewhat lacking...

Boo x