Monday 4 April 2011

i-D and ck one

Has anyone else got this months i-D magazine yet?

I loooove i-D - its probably one of my favorite publications - and this months is a brilliant issue. I chose the Anja Rubik cover because I adore her and think she looks fucking amazing with her delicate piercings; her shoot inside is ace too.

But the featurette I loved reading was the behind the scenes look into the new ck one ad campaign. I love how passionate the company is about youth, gender, sexuality and fun and how they all fit together and are accepted in our generation rather than we have to make a stand about everything like when ck one was first established. The whole point of ck one originally was that it was unisex and blurring the line between male and female, but in todays society androgyny is the norm almost; the boys can look like girls, the girls can look like boys and you can sleep with who you fancy, regardless of their sex. If you gon the website you can browse through all of the videos with the, quite frankly, fabulous cast and even upload your own.  I just think its a very intelligent and modern concept without being too wank.

Boo x

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